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PT Gaya Remaja Industri Indonesia
As a company, PT. GAYA REMAJA INDUSTRI INDONESIA (FOXSTARS PLASTIC) always maintain the quality and customer satisfaction. We always develope our products and services consistently as a commitment to provide the best for customer.With experience for over 25 years, we are engaged in the provision of various forms of pakaging and models for Job Orders/Corporate Users as well as provision of goods/household needs Houseware for the wider community, supported modern technology infrastructure and HUMAN RESOURCES, is increasingly consolidating PT. GAYA REMAJA INDUSTRI INDONESIA, (FOXSTARS PLASTIC) as a proficient in their jobs.PT. GAYA REMAJA INDUSTRI INDONESIA is here with the spirit and the concept of cooperation of mutual benefit in accordance with our vision: quality, Innovation and service in Total.
PT Gaya Remaja Industri Indonesia (foxstars Plastic) bergerak di industri manufacturing packaging kemasan plastik dengan material plastik HDPE maupun PP. Beberapa produk yang kami produksi seperti Jerigen Plastik berbagai ukuran, Botol kemasan Plastik, botol kemasan oli, packaging kosmetik, jerigen HCL dan lainnya
Jl. Raya Taman No. 48 Sepanjang Sidoarjo Kab. Sidoarjo 61257 Jawa Timur , Indonesia
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